Friends IT Solutions provides quotations on price and availability upon request. You can always request for a quote by providing all the details of the project. Please email us your detailed requirements at Our representative will get back to you with in 24hrs. For urgent queries, please contact us over the phone at +92(51)5153736 or +92(321)5300865.

Please include your daytime contact information (telephone/fax number, email or mailing address) to Friends IT Solutions staff to contact you, if they have questions regarding your request.

Why Friends IT Solutions?

Over 300 projects in last 5 years is definitely an achievement. Consider Friends IT Solutions as an ideal choice for outsourcing partner. Our mounted up experience from past projects and ability to embrace new technologies easily provides our clients the best of both the old and the new

We have strategic location of our office, dedicated servers to deploy projects, latest computers with all the software needed to design and develop as per client’s needs. Rigorous management controls to guarantee timely delivery with best quality

Website Design & Development

Graphic Design

Database Integration

Business Solutions