SFAS is an automation system to track sales force field visits to doctors or pharmacists and the inventory they are releasing. Important thing is the doctor obligations provided by pharmaceutical sector can easily be tracked in the system and can be helpful in the audit. Systems categorize the sales force in groups and territories like the actual working process of this sector.

There are 3 types of users:


Management / Staff

Sales Fieled Force

SFAS Features

Summary of the system provided in the Dashboard. Quick links to access important pages are also in this page.

Below are the sub modules which allow user to do settings in different areas.

  • SMS Settings
  • Holiday Settings
  • Working Days
  • System Settings

Below are the modules which allow user to check the logs of activities including SMS.

  • SMS Logs
  • SMS Logs SM
  • Outgoing SMS Logs
  • Access Logs

Admin can manage all the users and assign them permissions to access specific module with rights for add/edit/delete/view.

  • User Roles
  • Add User
  • Manage Users

System has the functionality to manage master record as well. Below are the modules to manage basic structure of a system.

  • Manage Groups
  • Manage Territories
  • Manage Doctor

System contains the management area for employees and managers. Admin can also assign them username and password to access members area to view reporting.

  • Manage Departments
  • Manage Positions
  • Manage Employees
  • Manage Managers

System also gives the rights to track and manage the inventory, below are the module to manage items, dispatches and transactions by field person to doctor.

  • Manage Items Types
  • Manage Items Group
  • Manage Inventory
  • Dispatches
  • Stock Transactions
  • Doctor Obligation

System generates many reports to facilitate the top management to track the activities of the field person. Below are the reports already integrated in the system.

  • Reasons/Leave Report
  • Help Desk Report
  • MR Report
  • Daily Call Report
  • Territory wise Call Report
  • Frequency Report of MSR
  • Frequency Report of Managers
  • Average Calls Report of MSR
  • Average Calls Report of Managers
  • Real Time Call Report
  • Brand Wise Report
  • Sample Wise Report
  • Doctors Calls Tracking Report
  • Doctors Visited Report
  • Monthly Calls Tracking Report
  • Managers Monthly Calls Tracking Report

System gives the option to add yearly visit plan by field person. All the related managers can view the plan and can compare the performance by monthly visits.


If you feel like interested in our services and need Estimation for your project, please don’t hesitate and contact us now. Our customer care representative will give you prompt reply on your query.

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